【自动化学院博导论坛】下一代电动汽车电池管理系统 -- 实时优化控制算法



  下一代电动汽车电池管理系统 -- 实时优化控制算法 

  Real-time Optimisation and Control for Advanced Vehicle Battery Management 




  Realising the fossil-free vision in transport sector greatly depends on continued advancement of battery technology. Available vehicle batteries operate either conservatively or overly aggressively. While the former leads to unnecessary up-front cost, weight and space, the latter is the primary reason for premature battery degradation and safety issues. In this seminar, a framework of online battery monitoring and control will be presented towards advanced battery management systems (BMS). Under the framework, I will gradually explain robust state estimator, remaining useful life predictor, fast charging controller and battery pack equalizer proposed by our BMS team. These works are finally extended to optimise fuel cell-battery hybrid energy systems in electrified vehicles (EVs). Simulation/experiments demonstrate that using these algorithms the power capacity of the battery can be better utilized; charging can be made faster, the lifetime is increased and the energy management in hybrid vehicles is improved. As a consequence, EVs will become more attractive to potential drivers and a development towards a more sustainable vehicle fleet can be enhanced. 



  邹长福博士,瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学 (Chalmers University of Technology) 自动化系助理教授,博士生导师。2011年获得北京理工大学机械与车辆工程学士学位,2017年获得澳大利亚墨尔本大学机械工程学院博士学位。20172019年在瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学任博士后研究员,自20191月起任查尔姆斯大学自动化系助理教授,兼能源系统控制实验室主任。 

  邹博士研究领域涉及新能源汽车、智能交通系统、智能电网等。以第一或通讯作者发表SCI 中科院一区期刊论文20 余篇,ESI 高被引论文8 篇,SCI他引570 次,谷歌学术引用H指数16。主持或者联合主持由瑞典科技部、能源部、瑞典国家电动交通中心等资助的项目8 项,总科研经费超过4000 万瑞典克朗(3000 万人民币)。目前担任国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification副主编。 
